Organization + Function + Style™ = A space that inspires.
Serving the entire San Francisco Bay Area | Gayle Grace, 510-654-7983

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bring on the colors!

Maybe just because we've had such a gray, rainy winter, color is on my mind. Color is a huge subject and a very personal one. How do you feel about color, especially in your work areas? Do you want to be surrounded by color or just a splash of it here and there?

I think many of us are afraid to use color because we are uncertain which colors we like enough to make the commitment to. Sometimes we think we will tire of the color and be sorry we invested in it. We're also afraid we'll offend a client or customer who might come to our space.

Many companies have used color as their brand identity - UPS' brown, Coke's red and white wave, McDonald's golden arches. For my own All Things Home™ brand, I use teal as my main color.

What colors inspire you? Before committing to painting the walls, investing in furniture or supplies, try bringing something into the office with those colors and see how you feel.

Here are some beautiful and colorful offices for inpiration...

This office by Lori Dennis (HGTV) uses colorful artwork and accessories.

This office uses colorful accessories from AbsolutelyBeautifulThings.

Kim Myles (HGTV) has painted the walls and kept the rest of the space neutral.

Designer Constance Ramos (HGTV) has also used color on the walls while keeping everything else low key.

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